obstructed labour

Wikipedia Summary

Obstructed labour, also known as labour dystocia, is the baby not exiting the pelvis because it is physically blocked during childbirth although the uterus contracts normally. Complications for the baby include not getting enough oxygen which may result in death...
Related Codes (81)
O64Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresentation of fetus
O64.0Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head
O64.0XX0Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, not applicable or unspecified
O64.0XX1Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, fetus 1
O64.0XX2Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, fetus 2
O64.0XX3Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, fetus 3
O64.0XX4Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, fetus 4
O64.0XX5Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, fetus 5
O64.0XX9Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, other fetus
O64.1Obstructed labor due to breech presentation

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